The living room- off of the front sun porch, the colours are horrible but under that ugly carpet is a beautiful hardwood floor. Work has begun on ripping out some of those bricks and eventually they will be painted! Just to the right of the fireplace is a door that leads up these sketchy stairs to this sketchy room. It will eventually be a spare room for guests and an office for me!
The next room should be the kitchen, but I don't have pictures of it yet really because it has had stuff in it since about five minutes after I first went in! This is the best I can do for now... sorry! Perhaps the most unattractive thing ever!
Check out the faux bois curtain in my bathroom! Where do you even FIND someting like that?
So that is the house as it was but there are projects underway at the moment so things are changing fast! I'll post some project specific photos soon! What do you think? Do I stand a chance of making this place liveable?